Tuesday, November 1, 2016

More Christmas Carol Research

     Perhaps my third favorite review of A Christmas Carol comes from valuesandcapitalism.com. I like it because it is funny. You see, the folks at valuesandcapitalism value capitalism, and they are affronted when others fail to value capitalism as they think capitalism should be valued. The existence of a book that seems to indicate that spreading wealth may not be a grave sin must be responded to. So, our friends at valuesandcapitalism want it to be known that, 

"There would not have been a story if Scrooge and Marley were not successful businessmen. If they had been unhappy poor folk, instead of unhappy rich folk, the beginning would not have been possible.
 More importantly, the conclusion would not have been possible if Ebenezer Scooge had not been a successful businessman...."  

     Do you see now why I find that quite funny? It is like claiming that the glorious moments of the Civil Rights Movement would never have occurred if it weren't for Slavery.

     This smacks of desperation, and it reminds me of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. In his book, So Long and Thanks for All the Fish, Douglas Adams created a professional lady with an interestingly niche market. It went like this:

“Do you want to have a good time?” said a voice from a doorway.

“As far as I can tell,” said Ford, “I’m having one. Thanks.”

“Are you rich?” said another.

This made Ford laugh.

He turned and opened his arms in a wide gesture. “Do I look rich?” he said.

“Don’t know,” said the girl. “Maybe, maybe not. Maybe you’ll get rich. I have a very special service for rich people…”

“Oh yes?” said Ford, intrigued but careful. “And what’s that?”

“I tell them it’s OK to be rich.”

    The folks at valuesandcapitalism, who, we have seen, so desperately need to value capitalism, continue as follows: "None of this generosity would have been possible had not Scrooge been a successful business man and had not there have been a system of wealth creation such as capitalism." So long, Capitalists, and thanks for all the alms!

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